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Flight Behavior (2012)

Flight Behavior (2012)

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3.71 of 5 Votes: 5
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0062124269 (ISBN13: 9780062124265)

About book Flight Behavior (2012)

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. [Scientists] aren't popular. Maybe your medicine is too bitter. Or you're not selling to us. Maybe you're writing us off, thinking we won't get it. You should start with kindergartners and work your way up." (p. 321)That's the book in a nutshell. Kingsolver makes climate change a personal, accessible, and engaging story. Unlike some of the other things I've recently read, at no time does the prose obscure the plot. In fact the only criticism I have of the novel is that occasionally the author goes too far out of her way to explain metaphors she's just made. But after Chabon I was a bit tired of verbal acrobatics and very content to turn to Kingsolver's always excellent storytelling. I learned a few things too, and I sincerely hope that this novel falls into the hands of more than a few people who deny that global warming exists. This is the first time I have ever read anything by Barbara Kingsolver. I found it interesting, but also long, where it did not need to be. There were a few places in the book where she almost lost me and I never thought she would move on. But I do like her style of writing and have decided that I will give one of her other books a shot and see what I think. It will be a make it or break it deal if I go on with her.The book was interesting, if not a little heavy handed on the Global Warming topic.I did not like the way it ended due to it really left you hanging there with a lot more questions than answers. The book really should of only gotten 3 1/2 stars from me, but this site does not allow that. So I went a head a gave it 4, due to the fact that it was better then a 3.

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It took me awhile to get into this book, but ultimately I'm glad I stuck with it.

Fascinating book. Very enjoyable and informative and meaningful.

Liked it fine ... not as much as her other books.

Very good!

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