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First You Plz (2000)

First You Plz (2000)

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3.43 of 5 Votes: 3
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9383271515 (ISBN13: 9789383271511)

About book First You Plz (2000)

First You Plz is about love, first love, friendship, bonding and an immature girl’s story. The story starts with three best friends Avanti, Meenakshi and Rachana who are commencing their MBA journey. Two years of hostel life and being away from family pursuing MBA, Avanti finds comfort in her charming, handsome classmate Aakash. She finds him highly attractive and she is unable to keep her eyes off him when he is around. Avanti finds that Aakash is committed to another girl. Avanti dream of him proposing her and her world comes down crashing, but Meenakshi and Rachana her two best friends, who are aware of her feelings for Aakash are determined to help Avanti to get her love. What will Avanti do? Will she forget him or will Avanti reveal her feelings to Aakash? Will Aakash understand her feeling? Will Aakash propose her first or she will propose him? This constitutes the story track !Synopsis- First You Plz is a romantic – comedy short fiction novella. First You Plz is a tale of immature girl, Avanti. It is a story of her struggle as she deals with worries of first love. Her journey from realization of the sweet feeling she experiences these days is called Love- her First Love. It is a tale of her secretly nurtured dream and her silent prayer that he will propose her in a very romantic way. It is a tale of her desire that she wants him to say those three magical words to her first. Although he hasn’t shown much interest in her. Still in her heart keeps praying, ‘first you plz’ … It is Avanti’s journey of ups and downs in her first love and how she exhibits immaturity as she deals with anxieties of her first love.My book review score : 5 / 5I love this for tuning such a simple story, author keeps us engaged all the time. You’ll keep turning the pages and simply enjoy the love track which is packed in a humorous manner. Keep it up! Great debut work!! The Short Story or novel (as the author would like to call it) is nothing but like a quick bite at a junk food restaurant. A girl falls in love with her classmate and then gets over-sensitive about the whole deal whether -> He likes me or not-> He ignores me or not.-> He talks to me or not.-> He loves me or not. -> He proposes me or not.-> He thinks about me or not.I mean so on................ The protagonist is like that only.... The story ends up like that she gets what she wants in spite of so many ifs and buts.

Do You like book First You Plz (2000)?

sweet story.. and i loved the poem

I loved this rom-com short book

A big disappointment.


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