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Finding Danny (2010)

Finding Danny (2010)

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4.13 of 5 Votes: 3
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0061797162 (ISBN13: 9780061797163)
Walden Pond Press

About book Finding Danny (2010)

I write my reviews in the 5 different categories: Cover/Title, Characters, Plot, Suspense, and Overall. I rate each of these categories 1 to 5, (5 being i loved it, 1 being i hated it). SPOILER FREE REVIEWCover/Title: 5 out 5I love the illustration of Danny. It is very well done and ties to the story perfectly. Characters: 4 out of 5Bree was a nice and caring person. I loved the she cared for animals deeply. I also liked Rayleen. I thought she was bubbly and a good mentor for Bree. Now this may sound awful, but I didn't like Ashton a whole lot because I thought he was sort of unrealistic. I know that being a early teenager that most guys that age would be more concerned with other things, such as themselves. Other characters helped the story, including the mom who I appreciated more towards the end. Plot: 3 out of 5The plot sent a good and inspiring message to young readers. However, I felt that the plot had been overdone. I feel that I have read many things similar in the past.Suspense: 2 out of 5This book I've had for a long time and never read. I feel that I only read it so fast so I could get it over with. This wasn't a book that was fast paced, being a book set for younger readers. You will probably enjoy it more if you were a kid.Overall: 3 out of 5This book was just okay. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I was a little bit younger. This was a happy and inspirational story, but too overdone for my taste. The only reason I'm reading younger books right now is because I had never read them and just wanted to get them over with. I would recommend this book if you are between the ages of 9-12 or if you're an animal lover. This is one of the best books I have ever read and I have read a lot of books in my life. It's about a 12 year old girl named Bree and her parents are so busy they descid to buy her a dog to keep her company. But when something happens to Danny ,her dog, Bree's world is turned upside down. She is introduced to dog adoption and grief. Finally at the end of the book she has a happy ending with her beloved dog Danny.

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this book is one of the books you'll never put down!!!

So loving and caring.

it was the best

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