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Final Sail (2012)

Final Sail (2012)

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3.78 of 5 Votes: 1
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0451236742 (ISBN13: 9780451236746)
NAL Hardcover

About book Final Sail (2012)

This is the 11th book in the Dead-End Job Mystery series. This time Helen & Phil have two cases to solve. One case involves murder of an older man by his younger wife. The case involves smuggling aboard a private yacht. Phil goes undercover to catch the young wife. Helen goes undercover on the yacht as a stewardess who does a lot of cleaning. Both cases get solved but Helen still has a secret from Phil. It's pretty standard Viets, which means it's fun and disheartening at the same time. In this one, Helen goes undercover as a steward on a yacht while husband Phil goes undercover as a handyman. The good news is that the Rob plotline from, what, three(?) books ago might actually be resolving itself. I though Viets had dug herself into a really bad hole with that one, but it looks like she might be digging herself out. I just don't see how she'll be able to without messing up Helen's relationship with Phil, and it would be a pity to mess that relationship up.

Do You like book Final Sail (2012)?

I think this is the best book so far in her Dead End Jobs series. Read it in one day and loved it.

Easy read, sometimes a bit redundant, but good fun.

This was a very entertaining, fast-paced read.

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