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Fifty Shades Of Red Riding Hood (2000)

Fifty Shades of Red Riding Hood (2000)

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About book Fifty Shades Of Red Riding Hood (2000)

Obviously, this book is a parody of 50 shades of gray. Now, I never read 50 shades of gray because I'm in the lifestyle and from vanilla people not in it, all I heard was great things and from everyone in the lifestyle, what I heard was horrible anger. So basically from the people that don't know a thing about Ds, "yay that looks hot", and from those that do know the difference between what is kinky fun and what is abuse I got the warning "never read that book, you will be infuriated".So I never read it, but reading this, I could still see where the writer was making fun and mimicking writing styles. Very well done. What's more, it delivers a great message about consent and the difference between love and abuse. It was amusing with a delightful twist at the end that drove the message home. And the author included a note to readers that demonstrated where the writer's heart is. Job well done. 1.5-2 stars - not even shelving this one.... Free Kindle book - don't pay for it!It's a very short parody of "50 Shades of Gray", and it's very funny (LOL funny) in several spots. But you have to be familiar with 50 Shades before it makes any sense. (Inner goddess, contracts, etc.) Then again, the story doesn't make any sense in any real way... it's not supposed to.Lots of misspellings and the like. Only bother with this IF you've read 50 Shades and IF you get the book free. Don't pay for it.

Do You like book Fifty Shades Of Red Riding Hood (2000)?

Despite the errors it was a funny short story with a message at the end. 2.5 stars

Short story which made me laugh a bit. Good Parody.

Don't ever read it again! Terrible!

Thats not how its meant to go

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