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Fifteen Minutes To Live (2013)

Fifteen Minutes to Live (2013)

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3.36 of 5 Votes: 1
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Mauretania Press

About book Fifteen Minutes To Live (2013)

Yet another entry into my 2015 Reading Challenge (A book with a number in the title), Fifteen Minutes to Live was certainly my favorite thus far. I always try to review sans-spoilers, and I think with this book, that may be kind of tough. I will simply say that there was a LOT happening story-wise here, and it was all interesting. The story, while somewhat complicated, was very well plotted, and surprisingly easy to keep up with. If you are a fan of mystery or thrillers, I highly recommend checking out this book. This novel is a short but extremely intriguing and exciting. The plot is sophisticated, but the narrative simple and easy to read. Good quality psychological thriller, with every small detail properly accounted for. And though the blurb proclaims the word 'sex' in caps and bold, the story is anything but sex-centric, and is actually a quality romance in its own right. A relatively short read, but a very good one!

Do You like book Fifteen Minutes To Live (2013)?

Too much jumping around, hard to follow.

Hard to put down but very disturbing.

Interesting book and an ok read.

Quick read. Pretty good story.


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