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Felicity Floo Visits The Zoo (2009)

Felicity Floo Visits the Zoo (2009)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
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0763634441 (ISBN13: 9780763634445)
Candlewick Press

About book Felicity Floo Visits The Zoo (2009)

Category: Tumble booksSource: Library of VirginiaThe book Felicity Floo Visits the Zoo by E. S. Redwood is a rhyming book about how germs are spread. A young girl, who doesn’t feel very well, goes to the zoo and touches all of the animals with her germy hands and spreads her flu-like symptoms to the poor animals. The illustrations in the book are a bit whimsical and every page shows Felicity’s germy handprint on everything she’s touched. This is a great book to shows exactly how germs are spread and the importance of washing our hands and using tissues for our noses. I would use this book to teach about personal hygiene and how we can help minimize the spread of germs. One exercise the students could do is to finish a rhyming prompt like: When I have the sniffles and my is full of snot,I……. If your daughter's name is Felicity and you see this online and purchase it for her, you'll be disappointed when you read it. Good for an elementary school perhaps, but I personally have never been a fan of the "frightening your children into compliance" concept, even with regard to germs. So, since the story didn't appeal to me, I wasn't the best audience to review this. Don't want my daughter growing up thinking she is a gooby little germ.

Do You like book Felicity Floo Visits The Zoo (2009)?

Felicity Floo is not feeling well when she visits the zoo and spreads her germs to the zoo animals.

Awesome book to use when talking about good hygiene especially with smaller children!

Love the rhyme. and the illustrations which are reminiscent of Gris Grimly's works.

Great for your H1N1-themed storytime!

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