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Felice's Worlds (2012)

Felice's Worlds (2012)

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About book Felice's Worlds (2012)

I learned so much about the Holocaust-- but at the same time a completely different angle of it. It taught me that the Holocaust wasn't just the concentration camps-- which this lady was blessed to be spared of--- but it included the persecution, hiding, and general displacement of Jews and their families separated in different countries trying to avoid the Nazis and government mandates. How their work permits were stripped from them and how they slowly lost everything to be independent in any way. This lady is absolutely fascinating and her story is so different than what you read when it comes to this period in history. She truly is unique and left an amazing legacy. Felice's Worlds is an excellent Memoir written by her son. I really enjoyed reading about her life and the time she grew up in. I don't think people really understand the depravity The Holocaust caused. This is a story of a women's survival in that time and how she kept going in spite of every obstacle. When life threw her lemons she just made lemonade.She traveled around the world looking for a home where she could provide for her family and save her parents and siblings from the horror they were under. Along the way she met and married and had a family of her own. She is known for her Modern Art collection that she collected on all her journeys.Her son has done an excellent job describing the things she went through and the places she was at at the time things were happening. I can't even begin to imagine going through something like that and surviving. But she did and it is through her eyes that we get to see just how strong a woman can be when faced with obstacles.Read this book because it is a journey into the unknown and it has so many ups and downs it will leave you breathless in the end!

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Good look back at an interesting time in history. She was an interesting woman.

I loved this book! So interesting!

Kindle cloud ed. 11/6/13


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