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Farewell, Miss Zukas (2011)

Farewell, Miss Zukas (2011)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 5
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0983374503 (ISBN13: 9780983374503)
June Creek Books

About book Farewell, Miss Zukas (2011)

This was actually really cute and I might consider reading some of the earlier works. I fell absolutely in love with Aunt Em. This was in a bunch of books that my grandmother gave me when we visited over the holidays, and I made a pact with myself to get through some of them this time. I liked that this was completely clean, but still held my interest for a quick read. Great characters and as I write this I am leaning more toward tracking down some more of this author's works. Farewell Miss Zukas was well worth the wait. I love this series as a librarian and a lover of cozy mysteries. The dynamics between Miss Zukas/Helma and Ruth is a hoot! Ruth is just the epitomy of a fiercefully fun friend and a total contrast to Helma. Love her antics. Helma's respect for her elderly Aunt Em and her Lituwanian heritage brings us closer to the family dynamics in this story. The way the author/Jo Dereske tied up all the loose ends made me realize that this truly is a farewell to the Miss Zukas series. I had been hoping for a comeback of sorts but the ending appears to be the grande finale. Thank-you Jo Dereske for taking it upon yourself to complete this marvelous heart warming series by becoming your own publisher. Also a personal thanks for the book format. The print was as large as any hard cover book. Wonderful series. I've read all the books in the Miss Zukas series and will re-read them. I highly recommend this lovely series and when you do read it-please take note of Ruth. She is one zany character.

Do You like book Farewell, Miss Zukas (2011)?

Good ending to the series, although more serious and less ... zany than the previous books.

Love the double play in title. Can we hope that Miss Zukas will return as MRS.

Such a sweet ending to one of my favorite librarians.

nice ending to a lovely series

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