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Fannie's Last Supper: Re-creating One Amazing Meal From Fannie Farmer's 1896 Cookbook (2010)

Fannie's Last Supper: Re-creating One Amazing Meal from Fannie Farmer's 1896 Cookbook (2010)

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3.27 of 5 Votes: 4
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1401323227 (ISBN13: 9781401323226)
Hachette Books

About book Fannie's Last Supper: Re-creating One Amazing Meal From Fannie Farmer's 1896 Cookbook (2010)

Probably a better sub-title would be "Re-creating one amazing meal inspired by Fannie Farmer's 1896 Cookbook" but aside from that small quibble this is a good read by the always consistant Chris Kimball. He details current and past culinary history in Boston as well as England/France and how they came up with the recipes they eventually served. In true Cook's Illustrated manner he gives steps to each recipe and what worked and what didn't. Interesting way of looking at history, what people eat, and how that has changed in the last century. The book captures your interest and holds it. I loved the side stories and adventures that the author went through in trying to recreate a dinner when food tastes and kitchen equipment was at an era totally different. I felt like I too was on the adventure of cooking. I love historic cook books and have always wanted to try this type of cooking experiment/experience myself. What a treat to read along with a professional cook on this adventure.

Do You like book Fannie's Last Supper: Re-creating One Amazing Meal From Fannie Farmer's 1896 Cookbook (2010)?

Loved it. Found the DVD after I finished the book. A step back in time.

7.5 -- part recipe book, part history lesson.

Hardcore cookery nerd fodder.


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