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Falling In Honey: How A Tiny Greek Island Stole My Heart (2014)

Falling in Honey: How a Tiny Greek Island Stole My Heart (2014)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
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1402285108 (ISBN13: 9781402285103)

About book Falling In Honey: How A Tiny Greek Island Stole My Heart (2014)

An absolutely delightful book that is both warmly intimate and yet well balanced, and written with a transcending ability to bring to life a moving portrait of a young woman finding and losing love while discovering a new life and purpose on a remote Greek island. I've never visited Greece, and yet Jennifer Barclay's fine writing revealed the beauty of this place to such a degree, I swear I could almost taste the yogurt and honey and smell the thyme and sage on the hillsides! There was nothing easy about her journey to get to live out her dream on this island, but her resilience and ability to find beauty and joy in simple pleasures are inspiring.The inevitable comparisons will be made to Eat, Pray, Love, but this account is much less indulgent and introspective, which is a great positive. Simple, beautiful, spare writing brings forth an authentic spirit that draws in the reader. This is a book that is very hard to put down, and yet, you don't want it to end. I look forward to reading more by Barclay; she's that good! I loved this book. I'm especially glad that I read it while on hols because otherwise I would have been even more jealous of Jennifer's idyllic Greek island life although I could see how this would work while curled up in an armchair too. She's incredibly honest about all that she went through and I have to admire her strength throughout everything. I've never been to Greece but her writing is so clear that now I feel almost as if I have and I know I'll have to visit Tilos some time very soon. I'm also looking forward to trying out a few of her Greek recipes.Well worth reading!

Do You like book Falling In Honey: How A Tiny Greek Island Stole My Heart (2014)?

a true story, a girl goes to greece to live for a month after her boyfriend breaks up with her.

Yes, I read a girlie book and it was interesting.

It made me want to go back to Greece!

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