About book Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting: The Astonishing Power Of Feelings (2015)
I think it's interesting to look at ways that we're not being as powerful of our own lives as we could be, not claiming ownership of our own choices and decisions and just living in a funk. I think this book does pose some questions that might push someone to think about what it is they really want. I think the exercise she proposes, of focusing on something positive about yourself every day instead of letting yourself get bogged down by anxiety, might be interesting.My perspective on the "Law of Attraction" in general is that we probably do open ourselves up to different (better) possibilities when we're being optimistic/hopeful/purposeful about our wants/desires than when we're being pessimistic/victims. However - I think this book is really irresponsible in all the places when she talks about "buzzing" for a few seconds to manifest money or power or health in her life or in someone else's. I think that it's even worse when she talks about this thought "buzzing" being a better alternative to actually trying to help people who are in a bad state, who may have been born into terrible circumstances, because they're probably there to "learn a lesson" in life. That's whackjob stuff.If you want to get semantic, it's probably better to envision "a world with easy access to clean drinking water for everyone because wells have been built in their towns and water filtration systems have been implemented" than to envision "a world without dying/diseases due to contaminated water". But either one is better than sitting around either ignoring negative thoughts because you don't want them transferring onto you or "manifesting" a more positive life for others without lifting a finger, calling a politician, or opening a checkbook to help. Unless literally all you do is sit around and worry and it's smothering you, in which case, sure, a little ignorance might be a step up.FYI the word "feel" never, ever needs to be spelled with five (5) Es. Also she basically steals most of her ideas from Esther "Abraham" Hicks and then makes them even less palatable.
I started reading this book because I got it from the library. I read a story to my husband about a tiny baseball player (spoilers) that Lynn writes about, then I didn't have time to finish it. I wanted my husband to get on board with me because I could already tell that this wasn't like any other self-help book out there within the first chapter!My husband didn't seem too interested... A little while later (and I'm not sure how long, or who he listened to- cuz it wasn't me!), we were sitting in his car and he turns on his mp3 player. It was a book, but not just any book- this book! Of course I had to have it on mp3! I drive everywhere! Since I got it on mp3, I have listened to it all the way through once, and am on my second go. I have started applying the principles in tiny ways, let me tell you, you get what you focus on! The Uni-verse doesn't hear the DON'T to your wants! You have always gotten exactly what you have wanted in your life, but didn't realize it. We were taught BACKWARDS!I urge EVERYONE to read this book. It is life changing.
Do You like book Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting: The Astonishing Power Of Feelings (2015)?
This is one of those books where if you go into it thinking it won't work, then it won't. But if you let go of your preconceptions and just trust what the author is saying then you'll get a lot out of it. I mean it had to come from somewhere right? She hasn't just made all this stuff up! Trust her and give in to it and you'll see results quickly. I started seeing results almost instantly, small things at first like getting a seat on 3 trains in a row at rush hour on the tube, but I'm starting to see bigger more impactful things take shape now. It's only been a few weeks but if nothing else this book has made me stop worrying about pretty much everything. Read it, embrace it. Only took one star away because I felt the ending summary could have been about half the length. But really for the content it deserves 5.
You get what you want out of life, exactly what you want. Why aren't you rich and famous with that special someone hanging on your every word? The answer is so simple that it's maddening. Thought manifests form. In other words, whatever you think about that's what you create in your life. There's good news and bad news to this life changing discovery. First the bad news. Most of us spend the majority of our day drawing to us exactly what we don't want. I hope that my boss doesn't call me on getting my project done late. I hope my son remembered his homework. I can't pay my bills this month, there's never enough money. My lover is really pissing me off, I wish he'd apologize. In that negative frame of mind, constantly focused on what we want changed, we tend to draw the same events, the same people, and the same unhappiness to ourselves. The good news is that we can change. We can figure out what we don't want and change our way of thinking to get what we do want. The result is an instant change from a pessimistic outlook to that of unlimited optimism. Life changing indeed. Check it out.
What an awesome book.Unbelievable for many i bet.This is one of my favourite genres, you feel a completely different person AFTER reading a book. I love the sensation of inner progress. I love the feeling of closing the book for the very last time and actually see that NOW you see LIFE in a VERY different way. THIS BOOK TAKES YOU THERE.I so loved it, i wont give it away because I'm sure I'll need read it again in no too long but I'm gonna buy a couple more copies for a few someone's I have in mind so they reach for a better now, because one of the MANY things this book "teaches" you is that you cannot make someone else happier, they have to work that themselves, your happiness got to be reached by YOU so YOUUUU FEEL IT! "Just remember that the way you THINK is the way you FEEL; the way you FEEL is the way you VIBE; and the way you VIBE ¡is the way in which you RECEIVE" (Lynn Grabhorn)
—Jess castellanos lobaton