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Exclusively Chloe (2009)

Exclusively Chloe (2009)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 3
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0142412260 (ISBN13: 9780142412268)

About book Exclusively Chloe (2009)

I really liked this book. This book talks about how Chloe-Grace, a famous adaopted child was sick and tired of the pararazi everything and wanted to be normal. She found out that she has a genetically connected brother who was a high school freshmen, and she was a junior. She went to the school he (Henry) was in and renamed herself as Lily. She found that normal like is better than she could ever imagine,and she found her true love. But her undercover counld't last forever, she was discovered and faced problems with her friends. This book is about a celebrity named Chloe-Grace. She is consider as the only adopted celebrity kid. She tries to get out of the humiliation she gets from school about her parent's divorce. Her bestfriend Rachelle loves attention. She tends to get through everything by partying, using her "Chloe-Grace identity." to get in to clubs. After seeing her father and his girlfriend, and going through all that misunderstanding from her mother. Chloe-Grace decides to go "undercover" to see how its like in the normal world. And the fact that she also wants to see her biological parents and her brother Henry, she transfers to her brother's school with a different identity as "Lily".I can connect to this book with a text to self connection because if I was Chloe-Grace, I would had done the same thing, moving to the normal world, to see how its like, to not be a celebrity. I think its a great thing that Chloe decided to also learn about her biological parents and meeting her brother Henry.I believe that every adopted kid would want to know where are their real parents.I rate this book three stars, because i think this book was engaging. This book lets me imagine how its like to be a adopted celebrity. It attracted me to finish every chapter, but what I don't like about this book is some parts are a bit boring. There should be like more tragedies, it would make it interesting. I reccommend this book to teens who would want to experience the life of an celebrity.

Do You like book Exclusively Chloe (2009)?

Love it. The characters wer totally believable and I love Luther!!!!!

Fluffy candy, but would probably be loved by any teenage girl.

Jon Yang's first novel - how can it not be great?

It's my book! Of course it's amazing.

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