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Everything I Need To Know Before I'm Five (2011)

Everything I Need to Know Before I'm Five (2011)

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3.65 of 5 Votes: 3
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0375868658 (ISBN13: 9780375868658)
Schwartz & Wade

About book Everything I Need To Know Before I'm Five (2011)

Everything I Need to Know Before I’m Five is a fun book. This book would definitely grab your readers. The book is unique in that it bends the rules and I think student’s will love it. This book would be great for younger children in kindergarten. The book introduces them to many things while not being to much information. Children would easily be able to read the book and learn something about numbers, colors, mixing colors and much more. The book covers a nice variety of learning. Everything I need to know before I am Five, written and illustrated by Valorie Fisher, is a great book to use in Pre-K. Part of Pennsylvania Baker’s Dozen selection, it is a great picture book that focuses on basic concepts that students should know before entering Kindergarten. It uses colorful pictures and text that engages students to learn about the alphabet, counting, shapes colors and more. This book is great in developing language and cognitive abilities. Through this book the students not only learn and review letters but also words. They also develop cognitively because they start to think about the different numbers and shapes and what they may mean. Even though this book is so simple, it does a wonderful job at focusing on what students should be learning at that age. I would use this book in my Pre-K classroom as a tool to assess what students already know and what else they can learn before Kindergarten. Even though this book focuses on learning facts and concepts, it is such an interesting books because of the illustrations, that the students will not even realize that they are learning important information. In my classroom, I would like to bring in various toys that are used in the book and practice hands on activities with them. This book is a simple concept book, but like with most kids, certain biases do exist. A typical white American kid may relate to some of the illustrations, while a student from another part of the world may wonder “what is that?” But overall, I do not see any harm in exposing this book to students in a preschool, in fact, it would only do more good.

Do You like book Everything I Need To Know Before I'm Five (2011)?

Good concept. But a lot in one book. It probably just feels that way now, since he's only 2.

Numbers, colors, opposites, and more. Illustrations remind me of I Spy books.

Love the illustrations.

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