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Every Shattered Thing (2000)

Every Shattered Thing (2000)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Every Shattered Thing (2000)

This deals with such a sad topic but this was an amazing book. Its so sad but definitely 100% worth the read. Its so good but so sad. I cried too much times reading this but i still couldnt stop reading this. I want a second book :( OMG I JUST CHECKED, 1 MINUte AFTER I POSTED THAT BIT AT THE TOP, IF THERE WAS A SECOND BOOK AND THERE IS. BLESS LIFEand i did some more research and i found out the second book came out 3 days ago so it will be a while before i get to read it. Sad, oh sad. :( This book was captivating enough to keep me turning pages, making me want to see what happened to Stephanie. The corruption around her is unfathomable and knowing that things like this really go on is truly horrifying. The story reminded me of Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan. There were similarities, but there were differences, too. It's one thing to get abused by someone who is supposed to love us -- such as a spouse -- but a member of our own family?! This isn't supposed to happen! But it does, sadly.I liked the story line. I enjoyed the book, but the ending leaves us with a bit of a cliffhanger.

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I really enjoyed this book. I hope there will be a part two so we can see the Beautiful Sunrise !!

A tough but moving read. A true emotional roller coaster but I loved it for this reason.

I'd give it 3 and half stars. pretty good story and it all ties together at the end.

Waiting for book 2

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