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Evertaster (2012)

Evertaster (2012)

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0615654495 (ISBN13: 9780615654492)
Future House Publishing

About book Evertaster (2012)

This book is kind of like a satire, but I don't know if it is meant to be, or if that's just the way that I read it. There were moments I laughed out loud (like when the older brother calls his younger brother "capital P" because he is so skinny that he looks like a capital letter P) If you think that's funny, then you will like this book. The evil chef names were hilarious, and the whole thing kept me reading to find out what would happen next, but in the end, it's pretty silly- and that's just alright to me because sometimes you want to read something funny and not very serious. Generally speaking, I liked this. It's a cute little story - kind of Indian Jones meets Top Chef. I found it a bit predictable with a lot of suspension of disbelief even for a fantasy story (ex. flying out of the country to Peru with no flight plan, no passports, etc.), but still a decent kids' book. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the whole "a mother's love is the strongest, bestest thing EVER" concept, though, and that's what will keep me from reading the sequel.

Do You like book Evertaster (2012)?

What an enjoyable adventure!!! I loved every second. It will be one I read to my kids someday!

Funny, creative, and witty. Recommend for teenagers, but a fun quick read for adults too!

Really fast paced, fun read!! Highly recommend!!

It was a cute book.

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