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Esperando El Amor (2014)

Esperando el amor (2014)

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About book Esperando El Amor (2014)

Their relationship doesn't seem to take off until the end. I did enjoy the way the book was completed (disregarding the epilogue) more than most, even if it was rushed a bit. Daria and Mamie were irritating. Mamie was OBVIOUSLY hiding something and Daria didn't pursue it enough at the get-go. Daria was whiney and spoiled but she still managed to befriend the unbefriendable with relative ease it seemed. I thought Jamie was smoking and I loved everything he was in. I'd like to read about Jamie's brother. Daria is English and is feeling that there is no adventure in her life. She decides to travel to Scotland to see her beloved Grandmother and deliver some funds to her.Jamie is the Laird of the Campbells at a time when life is changing and some members of his clan are selling out and moving away.I will not go into the whys, but Daria ends up becoming "The Ransom" and living in Jamie's castle.There is obvious differences between the Scottish way of life and perceptions and the British way of life.This is a good book written by a very talented author. To my knowledge, Julia London has never written a bad book. In this story, I missed the more generous helpings of humor that she normally writes into her stories.Jamie is a man who has much responsibility. Daria is a very intelligent woman who knows and understands how to get along with people even if those people do not immediately like her.Their attraction for one another is immediate. The love they feel for one another grows more slowly.I absolutely think you will enjoy the book and that you will find Daria and Jamie to be a couple who capture your attention and affection.

Do You like book Esperando El Amor (2014)?

I couldn't get into it, and i will give it a go again later.

Lovely story, loved Daria and Jamie! 4+ stars

3.5 Stars



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