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Enemy Through The Gates (2012)

Enemy Through The Gates (2012)

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4.12 of 5 Votes: 2
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1469746999 (ISBN13: 9781469746999)

About book Enemy Through The Gates (2012)

This is an interesting premise and a pretty good book but for one thing:it's so dang dramatic!! Oh, my goodness! The love...polygon? (Because this book is much, much more than just a love triangle) tends a bit toward the ridiculous, IMO.There's so much back-and-forth romantic/emotional drama plus the added drama of P.J. learning more and more secrets about herself. It's exhausting! I might be interested in reading the latter two books, but I need to take a nap or something before I dive in. Geez. I received a free copy of this book for my honest review.First of all, the cover is just gorgeous and I totally feel in love with it. Although, I feel like the book itself wasn't as good as the cover. There were a few places where I thought the author drug it out a little bit but there was so much romance and that really kept it moving.I loved all the relationships within this book; I adored Jenna and want to hear more about her. I honestly had a soft spot for Khol throughout and even more so at the end. I think he has to be my favorite character.I like that I couldn't tell where the book was going to end. I wasn't sure what type of cliffhanger the author would leave and that really encouraged me to stay up late and finish it last night. I didn't get to read and finish it as quickly as I had hoped though.I can't wait to read more of this series! I also want to buy a paper copy because I really liked it and it's just one of those books that I'd like to physically own.

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Review to come shortly. One thing I know - I do not like Bryn AT ALL. #Kohl'sMyMan

Received My giveaway prize pack today (21st may) now will be reading it soon :)

Can't wait til book 2 comes out to see what happens with pj and Bryn next

I love the cover and sounds great cant wait to read it...

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