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Endings And Beginnings (2012)

Endings and beginnings (2012)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
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1431404616 (ISBN13: 9781431404612)
Jacana Media

About book Endings And Beginnings (2012)

The book cover needs deep focus and concentration to try and figure out the message it's trying to communicate with the reader. It's a woman who seems to be walking away from what seems to be the darkest past to new beginnings with sunflowers mushrooming and blossoming all around her. And then the title completes the picture "Endings and Beginnings: A story of Healing". Here, she recalls her childhood in detail, plainly, movingly, sometimes amusingly, but without a trace of self-pity or bitterness. And in between those pages, she also tells a gripping story of Mabegzo, a 22 year old gangster and murderer, whom she falls in love with – going against everyone’s wishes. I understand that Tlhabi's book main aim is to make us understand the scourge of violence in our societies but I also think that it is a story of a woman. A woman who was not only shamed by her perpetrators for raping her at a very tender age, but a woman who was also shamed by her family for being ashamed to speak out and fight for her life. A family that didn't know better, a family that thought they were protecting her while they were destroying every single part of her soul.Her parent’s behaviour reminds one of all the trends in our black townships and communities. People spend outrageous amounts to bury their family members in a dignified way. They want the community to see that they also can afford. And in the end they end up suffering from unnecessary debts. But many of them do so because they want the community to see them as normal families with no “disgraceful” children. Young boys are involved in trends that require them to spend outrageous amounts just so they can fit in. Izikhothane is a good example of this. And that's what Mabegzo's family has in common with today’s generation in our communities.But hiding family tragedies and trying to impress others always ends up destroying souls, because no one is completely happy in such situations.The book has a very happy ending. As you approach the very last pages you find your mind galloping ahead and wondering how the story will end. But don't be fooled, it's not your average predictable happy ending. It's the kind that leaves you with profound sense of confusion. Confused with lots of questions and a troubled soul, and all the questions are about the scourge of violence in our society and how we all can get together, find humanity in us and hopefully heal our souls to transform our society into a better place for all. Read it in two days (with four children around). I could not put it down. It helped me get an understanding of the African society in South Africa -past and present. Although sad, I was very pleased and somewhat educated on how to deal with past pains, open your wounds that never healed properly and face the pain to find closure. The writer's style is simple but catching. I read that the book will be made into a movie!

Do You like book Endings And Beginnings (2012)?

Gave a good insight of her life growing up in Soweto.Well written and heart-wrenching at times.

Took me by surprise! Never thought of that story line but it was intriguing. Well worth a read!

The true stories are the best. Incredibly moving.

Very real, simple. A touching story

captivating. a good read.

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