About book Emily's Reasons Why Not: A Novel (2004)
The first page was so funny...This is truly one of the dullest, frustrating and most awful books I have ever read. I simply couldn't finish it (I got as far as page 154 out of 266). Basically the lead character, Emily, is in incredible need of a boyfriend who will become her ideal husband, and it's so hard because oh every man she meets has (at least) ten flaws. I got so sick of her horny personality - because that's what it boiled down to - I really hated Emily's character. Sometimes her reasons 'why not' were 7 times the same thing: he doesn't want to have sex constantly.I don't know if in the end she changes and realises that relationships don't just consist of sexual intercourse or anything related to that, and I simply don't care. I hated Emily more than I can possibly describe. I felt no sympathy, and I simply couldn't care less if she ended up miserable and alone and died somewhere without friends.Honestly, as a single 19-year-old who never had a boyfriend before (which I was when I read this book last year) I had more insight in what was needed for a healthy relationship than this shallow and - again - horny person.If you simply don't care about storylines, build-up and a lead-character with the most shallow personality you have ever come across: by all means, pick this book up and enjoy. But for the more 'sophisticated' readers: never, ever, touch this book unless you want to set it on fire.
Emily ist Anfang 30 und immer noch Single, was sie so sehr frustriert dass sie einen Therapeuten aufsucht. Der empfiehlt ihr, eine Liste mit 10 Gründen aufzuschreiben warum die Beziehung in die Brüche ging. Auch bei ihren aktuellen Liebhabern soll sie diese Taktik anwenden, und sobald es 10 negative Dinge gibt die Beziehung beenden da sie dann sowieso keinen Sinn macht. Und so erfahren wir, in Rückblenden in den Therapiesitzungen von Emilys bisherigem und später auch aktuellem Liebesleben.Nette Chick-Lit-Geschichte, bei der aber leider die männlichen Charaktere und irgendwie auch Emily viel zu flach bleiben. Ich kann mich zB noch nichtmal daran erinnern, dass es eine Beschreibung der äußerlichen Erscheinung von Emily gegeben hat. Oder hab ich die überlesen? Oder mittlerweile wieder vergessen?Ich hab die Autorin dann mal gegoogelt, weil im Buch drin steht dass sie nun als Drehbuchautorin tätig ist. Hab aber nichts gefunden was sie geschrieben hätte, außer eben das Buch für die TV-Serie die nach diesem Roman entstanden ist. Da spielte sogar Heather Graham die Hauptrolle, 6 Folgen wurden gedreht aber in den USA nach der 1. Folge gleich wieder aus dem Programm genommen. Aber genau jetzt werden diese Folgen beim ORF gezeigt!!!! Nur leider kann ich den ja nicht mehr schauen, hätt ich sonst bestimmt mal reingeguckt auch wenn die Folgenbeschreibungen anders klingen als das Buch.
Do You like book Emily's Reasons Why Not: A Novel (2004)?
A better book than I thought it was going to be. Maybe it was the whole 'trying to get my life to where I want it' and 'seeing a therapist' thing but whatever it was I related. I so wanted Reese and Emily to end up together and he didn't turn out to be a bad guy but it just didn't work out. I wished Emily could have had a happy(ier) ending but I guess the author wanted to have a sequel and that just wouldn't have worked if Emily had lived happily ever after. Oh, well, A few funny parts that I la
What crap.Emily is one of the most unsympathetic characters I have ever read about. I didn't want her to be happy; I wanted her to die lonely and alone and unfulfilled. I wanted to punch her and every other no-dimensional, cardboard-cutout, stereotype of a character in this book.The characters sucked, the plot was stupid, Emily's voice was annoying, the passage of time was really unclear, and the dialogue just felt off.How such utter crap gets published is beyond me.I want back the time I lost while reading this thing.
Meh. The writing style was off-putting: short pointless sentences, no sense of flow, random sudden time and setting shifts. The side characters, even the major one, had no life of their own; their only point was to act as chorus to inform the main character's inner monologue. It's a very self-centered book, overall. This is basically trying to be a self-help book, but the author either didn't have the confidence or didn't have the credentials to write one of those, so she basically fictionalized He's Just Not That into You based heavily, obviously, on her own (limited) experiences. This would probably have been a better book if she wrote it 10-15 years later, when her own story was over.