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Eggs Over Evie (2010)

Eggs over Evie (2010)

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3.73 of 5 Votes: 4
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0805082948 (ISBN13: 9780805082944)
Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)

About book Eggs Over Evie (2010)

I am really enjoying this book. It is about this girl who loves to cook and her parents were divorced. To me cooking is the best thing in the world. I usually love to cook with my mom and my sister. In the story her dog was taken by her dad when her parents split. She misses her dog so much. I can relate to that because one time my dad went on a trip and he took my dog with him. I remembered that I missed my dog so much. In the story she says she goes to a cooking class and she learns how to cook a lot better. Her cooking partner is the cooking teachers nephew. I once went to an art class and my partner was the teachers daughter. In this book her mom teaches piano to the blind. Evie also helps work for the person next door. Her name is ms.H. And her cat just died so Evie has to take care of her because she Is so sad because that cat was the only cat she had and wanted. I can relate to that because my cat just died and it was very hard for my family to adjust to this new change. Evie said that she loves to bake cookies with her friend . I remember once I made homemade cookies with my friend and they were so good. To me this book is very good. I love all the details this book has. I don't like how Evie doesn't like her cooking partner at first. I wish she would get along. Overall this book is amazing and I think everyone should read it. A heart-felt story about a girl coming to terms with her parents’ divorce and her new stepmother and soon-to-be half-sibling. The chapters each end with a recipe since Evie’s father is a famous food critic/chef and Evie wants to be like him. This would be a good story to share with a girl who is experiencing divorce or who loves food/cooking. It would also be a good story for a girl who enjoys family stories especially ones about family dynamics rather than stories about large families.

Do You like book Eggs Over Evie (2010)?

Cute protagonist with family issues and good recipes to share. A pleasant read.

I like that book, but i'm not done.

Includes 16 recipes.


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