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Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How To Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle (2009)

Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle (2009)

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4.07 of 5 Votes: 3
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1608320030 (ISBN13: 9781608320035)
Greenleaf Book Group Press

About book Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How To Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle (2009)

For as long as I can remember, I have obsessed about calories, points, fat grams, exercise - you name it. It has gotten to the point of ridiculousness, and I have literally felt like I was drowning. This book was like an answer to a prayer for me - and I honestly can say I feel like I have been freed from the diet prison. When you take away the whole concept of forbidden food, you remove power food has over you, and empower yourself over food. The meat of this concept is in the first 2 chapters - the last 3 were things I already get (how exercise & healthy food affects you). But the genius in this book (even though it is really is just common sense) is when you allow yourself to have anything you want whenever you want, your whole mindset changes because YOU are in charge - not some diet or self-imposed rules. She calls it the "eat-repent-repeat" cycle that most of us go through our whole lives - we're all either feeling guilty, restricted, obsessed, or momentarily in control - all based on what we ate today. This is not the way to live our lives!UPDATE: I just re-read this ( for a refresher course I was desperately needing. If you have body or food issues, this is a MUST READ. I can't describe enough what a lifesaver this book is. 6/2/12 I didn't fully read, but skimmed this book. I saw enough to know I like what the author has to say. I found it problematic that the author did not appear to mention "Health at Every Size." Perhaps this is because she seems somewhat still concerned about weight, and using her method as a way to encourage weight loss.She presents her method as self-discovered, yet all her messages were just like those as presented in "Health at Every Size." (I read that one just after skimming this.)I liked the way she identified 3 ways people eat: instinctive eaters; overeaters; and restrictive eaters. The book is about finding that instinctive way of eating again, and putting away the worse than useless dieting cycle of eat-repent-repeat. She talks about taking charge, rather than control, and that no food is forbidden. This is all good, but it is just the same as found in "Health at Every Size," but without what I felt was a key ingredient. The author of HAES makes every effort to warn against turning food mindfulness into another way to restrict, and to diet. I didn't see that so much here.

Do You like book Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How To Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle (2009)?

This book makes complete sense. Implementing this sense is not always that easy though.

Help for relearning how to eat instinctively. Maybe I'll pick it back up someday.

while this book nay be great for some, it was not what I was looking for.

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