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Eat, Sleep, Ride (2011)

Eat, Sleep, Ride (2011)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 3
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1553658175 (ISBN13: 9781553658177)
Greystone Books

About book Eat, Sleep, Ride (2011)

Unfortunately, the title just about describes it all: obligatory eating, insufficient sleeping, and excessive riding. As much as I wanted to like a book about long-distance cycling, there was no compelling story. Turning the pages at times seemed nearly as laborious as the narrator describes his turning of the pedals. I continued reading in hopes that a worthy story would emerge. However, it felt somewhat ironic at times: as the narrator contemplated what the point really was in attempting to make it all the way to the finish line, so did I. Occasionally interesting but just not enough substance to justify this lengthy narrative. Both John and I enjoyed this book - library checkout on the Kindle and Kindle app. We've read journals on written by others riding the Great Divide, but none of them were racers. This was a fun read as the British author has a good sense of humor. It helps if you are somewhat familiar with the terrain (or similar terrain) and cycling, but anyone should enjoy the sense of adventure!

Do You like book Eat, Sleep, Ride (2011)?

Fantastic! Makes you want to drop everything and go for a 2,700 mile mountain bike ride.

What I learned: Before I attempt an epic ride I really need to learn how to change tubes.

Paul- this was a fun read, but you seem trivialize the challenge of the ride.

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