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East (2011)

East (2011)

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About book East (2011)

Chris pissed me off. He couldn't think for himself or even react for himself. And I'm not just talking about with his father. From the beginning, Liev directed Chris' actions. In the end Chris didn't control where he was going. Liev did that. It made me think that leaving his small town won't help him grow up. He's just going to be carried along where Liev wants him to go. And if Liev gets fed up with his lack of direction, Chris is going to find himself alone. Props to Lo-La for recommending this. Suddenly makes her audio snippets worth the trouble :pThis was the perfect blend of angst, hotness and sweet, sweet tenderness...It lured me in with the cute sexual awakening between two boys as they measure their pricks (how can anyone resist such a hilarious beginning?!). The naughtiness was so bloody compelling I continued reading on my tram ride home, only to get hot and flustered when someone sat next to me... But, oh my, was it worth it.Chris and Liev couldn't be more different: the former from a troubled family, poor prospects, overwhelmingly self-deprecating and riddled with insecurities fed to him by his fuckhole of a father. Liev, on the other hand, oozes confidence, has a future ahead of him and a swagger in his step. But... is actually pretty likeable (protector of his 'bitch', only with a squidgy centre).So much worked with this; the dynamic of the two MCs, the writing, the humour, the crappy neglectful family but most of all, the way it hit me square in the chest as I worried about the future for them both. And was left with a smile on my face.Looooooved it. And totally worth the awkwardness on my tram ride home...

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Delightful gem. Review to come.

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