Early Bird was a very fun read, especially as a read aloud for early readers. The book is about a young bird who always rises early to find breakfast. The author takes us through grass, flowers, spider webs, in the air, around corners and many more places. The early bird eventually finds a worm. And in the real world we all know that birds eat worms. But in this story the author surprises us by having the bird not eat the worm but share a strawberry for breakfast with him. I really enjoyed reading this story and looking at the illustrations. I appreciated all the colors used and the big illustrations to make everything easy to see. The text was also very big so that it was easy to see and read. I think younger children would really enjoy this book because of all of these elements but most of all because of the surprise ending. Well, first, I was kind of annoyed that the bird was walking on the ground. And then I was pretty disappointed that the bird didn't eat the worm. Cause birds eat worms and sharing a strawberry with them isn't odd enough to make it entertaining either. So, so much for the story since that's about all there was to it. The illustrations were also a little blah for me despite the bright colors and bold black lines. I think the shapes were just too simple to be that interesting.
Do You like book Early Bird (2014)?
Nice done for a toddler with simple text and outlined simple figures. Cute ending adds a bit extra.