I thoroughly enjoyed Matt Beaumont's "e" a few years back. Having worked in the advertising business, I found it wickedly close to the bone and a brilliantly clever update of what I think is called the epistolary novel.The follow-up jumps forward a few years and blogs, texts and messaging join the emails. It's very cleverly constructed, with larger-than-life characters, plot strands each more absurd than the last and an excellent eye and ear for office life and the advertising industry (or should that be "ideas economy"?).In its scope, it's broader than the last novel, taking in reality TV, publishing and more of the family life of some of the characters, and this makes it lose a little of the strength of the first novel for me, which was more focussed on the office and the ads. I also found some of the running jokes were stretched a little too far.Overall, some priceless moments to make you cringe and titter - definitely recommended. Oh, this is trivial nonsense. If you've read it, you'll know that. If you haven't, what are you waiting for? Everyone needs a bit of comforting ephemera in the bath now and then. This doesn't disappoint if you keep your expectations at that level.Don't speak French? Me either! I found completely skipping past the sub plot did no harm to the story.Don't like swearing or naughty drugs? It's not for you.
Do You like book E Squared (2010)?
Really funny and witty, but a little hard to follow the characters (for me, anyway!)