About book Drinking My Way Through 14 Dating Sites (2013)
This book was disappointing and not funny, the only reason I finished reading it was that it too about 43 minutes to skim, and I kept hoping for some glimmer of something redeeming. Negative ghost writer. Even her "wrap up" at the end was pointless...I cannot imagine how boring this woman's blog must have been, and why she felt this book needed publishing, it was ridiculous. Halfway through, she negates the whole purpose of the "experiment" but dating her ex boyfriend again.None of the stories were memorable, or funny, or even presented in a humorous light.Sigh.I truly wish I had come to GoodReads before I bought this, $2 wasted... And I am a little angry about it actually. This book was very good for what it was. It is a very short, easy read and only cost $2.99! Tiffany is funny and I think many single women can relate to some of her stories. "I was asked what I did for fun...Every time I am asked this question, I become instantly insecure about my fun having abilities. Do I have no fun? How can I be having fun if I don't know what I do to have fun." I instantly thought "I know! All I can ever think to say is read, go drinking with my friends and watch a lot of TV (seriously a lot of TV)"
Do You like book Drinking My Way Through 14 Dating Sites (2013)?
Is a light hearted book. I was glad to see I was not the only one!!!