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Dream Big, Little Pig! (2011)

Dream Big, Little Pig! (2011)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 1
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1402252757 (ISBN13: 9781402252754)
Sourcebooks Jabberwocky

About book Dream Big, Little Pig! (2011)

A wonderful story to read whenever your little ones need a boost of confidence.Poppy is a pig with big dreams! She wants to be a skater! Through hard work and persistence, Poppy realizes that dream.I have been a fan of ice skating since my Mother and I watched Dorothy Hammill win the Gold Medal a long time ago.I am so glad that Ms. Yamaguchi, a Gold Medal winning skater, wrote this book to inspire others to dream big! Despite her aspirations of being a star, Poppy struggles to find something with which to excel. Although she fails at dancing, singing, and modeling, her supportive family and friends encourage her to dream. On an outing with them one day, she sees an ice rink, and even when she falls down, she keeps getting back up. The next day, she returns, and a star is born. This is a sweetly told story with a positive message. One of the aspects I liked most was that Poppy didn't let discouragement from others hold her back, and once she masters figure skating, she can go on to other challenges. The softly colored illustrations made me smile with the expressive face of Poppy and her zest for life.

Do You like book Dream Big, Little Pig! (2011)?

Very cute big about doing what you like ... no matter if you are good at it or not! "YOU GO GIRL!"

Decent artwork, and the story has a very nice message...

This is an Adorable book!! :D

For Bren


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