Three point five rounded up to four stars. What I really enjoyed in the first book was extended past reason in this second book, so that the deep introspection and sense of mystery became obscure, repetitious, and frustrating beyond belief instead of enticing. I had thought I'd fly into the third book, but I've stopped and am not even sure I'll pick it up. I think the author took a good thing (her style) and extended it past readability. At least, for me. This book is the second in the series, but unlike some middle books, it steps up both the adventure and the romance. Dallin and Wil move together in a way that is teeth-grindingly slow and yet exactly right. And watching Wil lean on Dallin now and then is sweet and satisfying. The tension is mounting, the ending is still not an ending, I'm completely hooked, and the next one had better be out soon!
Do You like book Dream (2011)?
Gah - make number three come faster! I can't wait!