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Dracian Legacy (2014)

Dracian Legacy (2014)

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3.91 of 5 Votes: 4
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REUTS Publications, LLC

About book Dracian Legacy (2014)

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Nothing makes me happier than a book that does not follow the flow of the popular books on a particular market. This book is a flood of new water - it has so much potential . The world the author is trying to build is fascinating from the start and drags the reader in willing or not. The author also manages to avoid the classic love'em or hate'em ideal for characters - though this can sometimes lead to confusion . The other aspects of the book that could possibly be disorientating for the reader are a marginally disjointed narrative and the main character Ren's mood swings (her random aggression towards Axel and Dean, a sentence or two after she is swooning over them left me wanting). Overall, this book has a golden plot line but is a little rough - but easily fixed. I received this book from Making Connections and the author in return for an honest review.This first book of the Dracian series is well written and introduces the reader to the strange world of a completely different race of beings. It is fast paced (finished in a day - and I am a busy girl!) and the characters are compelling. The history and social structure of the Dracians is a little hard to follow and some of the dialogue seems inappropriate for the situation. But I still found myself attached to Axel, Ren and Dean, and even to the secondary characters surrounding them. There is romance, suspense, and twist on the obligatory love triangle (quadrangle??). What more could you ask for??I look forward to the continuation of the series and watching Ms. Kanaparti grow as an author! Thank you!

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What a striking cover! Such intense glare! Definetely on check for reading! XD

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