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Don't You Remember? (2000)

Don't You Remember? (2000)

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3.45 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Don't You Remember? (2000)

Could have been a great book. The idea was wonderful but I never really connected to the characters. The writing style also was a bit strange. A story with so much potential. Never really got to the point of greatness unfortunately. I also found the two dream episodes a bit strange and unrelated to the plot. It took me a bit to figure out that it was set in the states since some of the words were very british. I read this book a 2 hours. I really loved the story line. What bothered me was the fact that this story takes place in the United States, but the characters speak in very proper British english. I think a little more research into the way Americans speak could have put this book over the top for me. Jen and Johnny lived next door to each other since childhood. They are best friends and take care of each other when their parents won't. In Johnny's senior year, Jen decides she is in love with Johnny and makes her move. Come to find out, the feeling is mutal. They make plans for their future. Johnny is going to spend the last 2 years of Jen's high school career. Johnny goes off the New York to start his music career. Tragedy strikes Jen, her home has burned to the ground and she is left with now way to contact Johnny. Johnny is making a name for himself in the music world. When his letters anf phone calls go unanswered he calls his mother who informs him that Jen has died in home fire. He is devistated. Jen leaves a letter with Johnny's mother with her new home address and leaves messages with his producers to let him know she is still waiting for him. They spend years appart thinking the worst of the other. The writer is very good at building this tension. I was full of despair for this couple. This was a very good romance.

Do You like book Don't You Remember? (2000)?

This was kinda cheesy. I was more anxious for the story to end

Ridiculously anticlimactic that it was almost painful.

Sweet Love Story. Made my heart melt.

3.75 stars

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