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Doctors (1989)

Doctors (1989)

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0553278118 (ISBN13: 9780553278118)

About book Doctors (1989)

pernah baca yg terjemahannya, untung kemaren dapet edisi inggrisnya di obralan buku impor :Dgak kecewa dg tebelnya :P---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------buat yang minta reviewnya:Saya baru membaca buku Segal 2 biji, Love Story dan Doctors ini. Tapi, karena buku ini yang paling tebel, jadi buku ini yg terbaik. heheDoctors bercerita ttg seluk beluk kehidupan para dokter. Inti cerita berpusat pada tokoh si Barney Livingston dan Laura Castellano, dua anak yg bertetanggaan. Berlatar di masa2 Amerika sedang tertatih-tatih---setelah depresi ekonomi, perang dunia perang saudara---dua anak ini bercita2 ingin menjadi dokter, salah satu pekerjaan paling bergengsi saat itu bahkan hingga kini. Tak tanggung2, mereka terobsesi utk sekolah tempat pendidikan dokter paling prestisius di muka bumi, Harvard Medical School--hanya Harvard Bussiness School dan Harvard Law School yg bisa menyaingi keangkeran dan ketenaran tempat ini.Namun, obsesi kedua anak ini tak sebatas mengejar sekolah bergengsi. Mereka punya "misi" lain dalam mengejar gelar dokter. Barney, tergerak hatinya menjadi dokter setelah ayahnya meninggal karena tak ada dokter yang mau merawatnya. Di lain pihak, Laura berambisi menjadi dokter karena dia punya masalah yang lebih rumit. Dia berambisi menjadi dokter setelah keluarganya luluh lantak saat adiknya meninggal karena polio. Tapi kematian si adik kecil yang terkasih membawa konsekuensi mengerikan. Ibu Laura terpukul hancur dan menemukan pelarian dengan menjadi seorang fanatik religius. Ayah Laura, yang juga dokter, menemukan pelarian melalui alkohol dan nyaris linglung. Tinggallah Laura yang "tetap berakal sehat", dan menemukan pelarian dg cara belajar keras menjadi dokter.Dendam-dendam masa lalu inilah yang membuat kedua tetangga itu mati-matian rela melakukan apa saja agar bisa masuk sekolah kedokteran. Apalagi target mereka adalah selevel HMS. Tapi tentu saja bukan masalah otak yang menghadang. Barney nyaris menyerah dalam mengejar HMS karena kesulitas ekonomi yang parah. sejak dulu pendidikan dokter memang identik dengan biaya mahal. Untungnya, pada detik-detik terakhir ada keajaiban. Mukjizat yang menghantarkannya untuk tetap bisa mendaftar pada HMS namun dengan bayaran yang sangat mahal, dan kelak akan terus menghantui hidupnya.Perjuangan Laura pun tak bisa dibilang gampang. dia nyaris ditolak masuk karena masalah gender. Bahkan untuk sekelas HMS, dokter perempuan adalah sesuatu yang tabu. HMS diciptakan untuk mendidik dokter laki-laki. bukan perempuan. jadi, meski ada perempuan yang berotak secemerlang Einstein, bukan jaminan dia bisa masuk dg leluasa ke HMS. Tenang saja, itu dulu :DKarena begitu banyaknya dendam-dendam yang harus terbalaskan, mereka mati-matian berusaha masuk ke HMS. Menjadi dokter bukan lagi sekedar mengejar cita-cita, tapi telah menjadi obsesi dan ambisi. Ketika mereka akhirnya bisa masuk HMS, baru terasakan betapa ambisi mereka kini menjadi boomerang. dihadapkan pada materi kuliah yang mengerikan--bayangkan makhluk2 yang bernama Biokimia, Anatomi, Fisiologi, Histiologi, Patologi, dll lengkap dg ribuan nama ilmiah untuk sesuatu yang oleh rakyat jelata disebut otot, rambut, syaraf, hormon, penyakit, bakteri, dll-- membuat mereka berpikir bahwa mungkin obsesi yang mereka kejar selama ini salah. belum tekanan batin yang dihadapi saat bergaul dg para jenius HMS yang elitis bahkan rasis. Dan kelak, saat sudah berhasil menjadi dokter sekalipun, mereka tetap terbayang-bayangi oleh hantu masa lalu, yang memaksa mereka untuk mempertaruhkan segala hal yang berharga dalam hidupnya, sumpah Hipocrates, kehormatan, harga diri, cinta, kebahagiaan bahkan masa depan.Ditulis dengan sangat meyakinkan--tak lupa Erich Segal melengkapi cerita dengan berbagai istilah medis yang membuat penasaran untuk bertanya pada si-tuan-tau-segalanya, Google----Doctors akan mengajak kita melihat seorang dokter yang bukan sebagai seorang malaikat penolong dan pembawa mukjizat. tapi sebagai manusia biasa, yang memiliki mimpi, memiliki keterbatasan, dan memiliki harapan untuk meraih kebahagiaan. Membaca buku ini, akan membuat kita tersadar, bersyukurlah atas hal-hal kecil dalam hidup kita, karena kita tak akan pernah tau, hal-hal besar apa yang akan menghadang kita.buku ke 8999

"There are thousands of diseases in the world, but Medical Science only has an empirical cure for twenty-six of them. The rest is... guesswork."Doctors focuses on the lives of Barney Livingston and Laura Castellano, from when they were kindergartners to them being medstudents and their journey as full pledged doctors. This book gives such a great insight on those aspiring to don the white coat someday."All of a sudden, I'm not a person, I'm a robot studying a human."I am in my third year of medschool and, even if the premise is set in the 60's to the 70's, it still gives an accurate description of what it's like to be in medschool. I find myself smiling as I remember my first year of medschool, how unsure I was and how scared I felt of not doing good. It was all so real. But first year, as far as medicine goes, was a relatively lax year. Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry were the stars. 'Tis the year you learn your foundations and the year I first cut open a cadaver and it was a lot of fun. While there were many sleepless nights, it was manageable. For aspiring medical students, enjoy this year while you can.Second year came around and I find myself pulling my hair in frustration. Why were there too many bacteria and fungus and viruses? How are we expected to memorize the names of all these drugs when they sound alike? I did not know that there were so many pathological problems that could happen with the human body. Information overload! They say that when you make it through second year, you can make it all the way.Third year, the final hurdle to get through before you're released in the actual hospital setting (at least that's how our curriculum goes). This is the year that I am being buried in all the damn paperworks(and I don't know if this is true for other medschools).And they say the sleepless nights aren't about to end until you retire from being a physician."For the first time Laura understood why it was said that to be a doctor - or at least to survive as one - you have to build a fortress around your feelings to withstand all the assaults of emotional involvement. You can try to help the suffering and mitigate their pain, but you must not feel it."It is statistically proven that there are more doctors who are depressed and commits suicide than any other professions.It's ironic, when you think about it, that doctors always tell their patients to reduce stress, to eat right, to exercise and to live life when they themselves have spent more than half of their lives locked up in their rooms, studying. It's no surprise that a lot of doctors are depressed. Being responsible for a person's life is a heavy weight to carry.If there's one thing that I learned from this book, its that to be a doctor requires nerves of steel. Superman ain't got nothing compared to the superpowers it takes to be a physician.So yeah, this is more of a review of being a doctor rather than the actual book itself, but hey, I think they're pretty much the same :)Definitely one of my favorite books of all time.

Do You like book Doctors (1989)?

@dewi : iya aku tuh malah jadi lebih kepikiran Bennet daripada dua orang itu... Kasian... Kata-katanya emang nggak lekang yah yang itu... udah berapa lama coba...

This book did make me want to go back, once, to the time where I decided for my major and, instead of choosing that aquaculture engineering field, I would choose to be a doctor. Beautiful in the opening and flow still to the very end of the story. Segal had made a piece of story that is easy-enjoying even with all the drama each character has to contain in the story. It’s just flowing like that, forming a unity, reaching and playing reader’s emotion, and felt so real. I really like the story, the way he revealed doctors’ life with all their flaws and problems—even though you are Harvard graduates, how it is so well-written, and how the fact that he wasn’t even a Med School Student at all amazed me. Quite a research!
—Inggrika Remalia

When I first read this book I was quite touched with the passion with which Doctors treat their patients..The story revolves around a group of Harvard med school students who have to go through the rigrous training of becoming a doctor.. Some faint during the anatomy classes while a dead body is being disected to study the various human parts.. This reminds me of the incidence when one of my classmates fainted during my 12th science grade biology lab session ..The teacher was disecting a rat and the poor girl looking at the artiries and the strong smell just fainted..Any way coming back to the novel I would like to say it's a superb novel depecting the emotional side of Doctors while treating a very sick patient..How they make themselves strong in knowing pretty well that some of the patients they treat have cancers and other acute illness and no cure is possible as yet... It also talks about mercy killing which one of the interns acutally takes up to himself to consult the patients who are sick and dying every second of their miseralbe pain and to give them a mercy killing with a mutual consent from them.. A very heart warming novel showing that there are good doctors in the world just like the way there are bad , cold hearted Doctors..There are those( Doctors) who dedicate their lives for the welfare of treating their patinets with kindness and hope again'st those( Doctors) who only wish to make a good life for themsleves at the cost of a miserable sick patient..... Though quite lengthy the novel is but I don't mind if a book is well crafted and this one indeed is..Cheers and a happy to reading to one and all......

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