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Do Dogs Dream? : Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You To Know (2012)

Do Dogs Dream? : Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know (2012)

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3.57 of 5 Votes: 3
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0393073483 (ISBN13: 9780393073485)
Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc

About book Do Dogs Dream? : Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You To Know (2012)

I did learn a couple of things, i.e. the origin of dewclaws was interesting, but after reading lots of books about dog behavior, this was lightweight, basic and just a good source of info for someone who has never researched canine behavior. The title is misleading since there's just a small blurb on dog dreams (spoiler alert: they do dream)that is no more in depth than the one on how dogs use their tails. Analyzes the science and history of dogs to answer many of my questions about my dogs. Each question is self-contained, making it an excellent reference book to keep around. The questions were good choices, but I thought of 1 or 2 other questions I'd have liked to see. Was a great introduction to dogs for my non-pet-owning husband and in-laws. As a lifelong dog owner and a dog trainer, even I learned a great deal. Highly recommend getting a copy of this book to keep rather than borrowing it.

Do You like book Do Dogs Dream? : Nearly Everything Your Dog Wants You To Know (2012)?

The FAQ approach to dealing with the subject dog issues was straight forward.

Great read. Lots of answers to dog questions, some you never thought to ask.

Nice collection of much of the research we have on dogs.

Light, fun and fast overview for we dog lovers.

Very helpful

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