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Divorce Sucks: What To Do When Irreconcilable Differences, Lawyer Fees, And Your Ex's Hollywood Wife Make You Miserable (2009)

Divorce Sucks: What to Do When Irreconcilable Differences, Lawyer Fees, and Your Ex's Hollywood Wife Make You Miserable (2009)

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2.46 of 5 Votes: 2
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1605506559 (ISBN13: 9781605506555)
Adams Media Corporation

About book Divorce Sucks: What To Do When Irreconcilable Differences, Lawyer Fees, And Your Ex's Hollywood Wife Make You Miserable (2009)

I totally needed to read this book. I probably should have read it sooner even though I wasn't ready to take it all in until now. There was so many things that were great to hear and made me laugh. Other things were practical and made me feel less alone in all of this. I loved that the point was that the children come first. No matter how much you hate the ex-husband you are still connected to him forever thru the children. I do need to remember this and to start to get over the anger and hurt that I feel concerning the divorce and our marriage. It was a great book for anyone who is thinking divorce, going thru it or divorced. I think all woman can get good tips and ideas for the future. Way to go! No, this is not some sort of hint about my life. ;) I just re-read Tori Spelling's books which prompted me to want to read this. It's written by Dean McDermott's ex wife, and I wanted to know her side of the story. Unfortunately, this was a waste of my time. The inside flap of this book promised me the "inside look at one of today's most sensational breakups" but gave me nothing of the sort. Maybe my rating isn't really fair, since I had no need for divorce tips, but this was just SO boring and offered no personal details. It was also riddled with typos, which drives me nuts.

Do You like book Divorce Sucks: What To Do When Irreconcilable Differences, Lawyer Fees, And Your Ex's Hollywood Wife Make You Miserable (2009)?

Browsed this one... not nearly as much gossip as I wanted - even Candi's book was better!

loved tori spellings book so I wanted to get her husband deans ex wife side of the story

Wonderful...funny, hysterical, laughed and I cried. I wanted this title for my book!

The other side of the sordid story: Tori Spelling's husband's ex.

Didn't finish it.

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