Do You like book Divas Don't Knit (2007)?
Nice.Nothing more and nothing less but nice.After reading lots of sciency stuff and political-related blogs and websites, it was kind of a challenge to read a "simple" book just for fun.But the writing is light-hearted in a positive way, and really funny! I have to confess that I really had to laugh out loud several times in the book!I had NO problem with all the swearing, in fact, I learned a lot of swear-words (who knows, they might be useful one day...) and I never felt offended by anything.I can understand that mothers have rightful complaints when it comes to the description of the life of a single-mum, which I assume to be much more tough and challenging than it is written in this little book.But hey, it´s fiction, it never claims to depict any kind of reality in every possible detail and hardness.So, perfectly well for a little break in daily-life`s-struggle.//Nett.Nicht mehr und nicht weniger als nett.Nachdem ich jede Menge wissenschaftliches und politisches Zeug auf Blogs und Webseiten gelesen habe, war es erstmal eine kleine Herausforderung, mal wieder etwas nur zum Spaß und zur Entspannung zu lesen.Aber die Autorin schreibt leicht-herzig in positiver Art und Weise, und es ist lustig!Wirklich, ich musste beim lesen oft herzhaft lachen.Ich hatte überhaupt kein Problem mit dem Fluchen und fühlte mich dadurch in keinster Weise angegriffen, wie es manche schildern.Im Gegenteil, ich habe etliche neue englische Flüche gelernt, wer weiss wozu die eines Tages gut sein mögen...Ich kann verstehen, dass Mütter berechtigte Kritik haben, wenn es um die Schilderungen des Lebens einer alleinerziehenden Mutter geht, welches in der Realität sicherlich um vieles härter und fordernder ist.Aber hey, es ist Fiktion, und an keiner Stelle wird der Anspruch einer genauen Realitätsbeschreibungen mit allen Details und Härten erhoben.Perfekt also für eine kleine Pause im täglichen Alltags-Stress.
Loved the way McNeil wrote this book. Adding those remarks we have in our heads sometimes, made me chuckle, and yes sometimes you want to say them out loud!! I enjoyed the way she would do up the knitting shop window & changed the name to McKnits. Oh! the eclectic members of the township are adorable every town has them and she weaved them in & out of the storyline. Everyone needs a friend like Ellen who allows you to be yourself & let off steam every now & then. Stops things from bottling up. Connie & Mark, well what can I say, it would be great to be the cake tester of all those yummy treats! Libraries, well one can only hope they save the library they are so important to peoples lives in many ways. I look forward to further developments in McNeil's future stories.
Pokey, unrealistic plot, but has its charms in terms of atmosphere
Nice I want to learn to knit!