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Distractions (2014)

Distractions (2014)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 5
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JL Brooks

About book Distractions (2014)

I wanted to love this book. I really did. But I just could not connect with it. A lot of the writing seemed stilted and unnatural. I had a hard time connecting with the characters or even understanding where they were coming from. By the end of the book I felt I had more questions than answers. It could have been because I had no connection to the story and wasn't retaining what was going on but I really couldn't tell you. This book came highly recommended to me and left me disappointed. I did feel the writing got better as the book progressed but it was too late for me to connect with by then. What can I say- Buy this book, read it, you will not regret it. This book is full of little quotes that can touch you in ways you wouldn't even think it would. This story had me sat on the edge of my seat, with all the amazing twists and turns. I am going to have to stop writing before I tell you all about it. Seriously go and read it. I was very shocked to find out that this is JL's first book, an amazing lady, very talented, can't wait to read more from her.

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Absolutely amazing. Love.

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