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Disney Artemis Fowl Collection: Artemis Fowl, The Lost Colony, The Eternity Code, The Arctic Incident, The Opal Deception, The Time Paradox, The Atlantis Complex (2000)

Disney Artemis Fowl Collection: Artemis Fowl, the Lost Colony, the Eternity Code, the Arctic Incident, the Opal Deception, the Time Paradox, the Atlantis Complex (2000)

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1780483236 (ISBN13: 9781780483238)

About book Disney Artemis Fowl Collection: Artemis Fowl, The Lost Colony, The Eternity Code, The Arctic Incident, The Opal Deception, The Time Paradox, The Atlantis Complex (2000)

Overall I loved this series. I think it has the same target audience as Harry Potter and while perhaps not as good, I found it much more enjoyable than the comparable series like the Alchemist or Percy Jackson. They deal with the same sort of things - kids getting mixed up with magic, but unlike the other Artemis Fowl is not someone foretold by prophecy/destiny or whatever to save the world. Rather he is a super genius and criminal looking to score some easy cash, though his character develops and by the end of the series he becomes the good guy who is trying to save the world (even if it is only correcting mistakes of his past). I think my boy will love these books in a year or two (he's 8 yrs old now), but his school teacher thought that maybe they were inappropriate because one the main characters does all his work through the use of his digestive tract mostly through very boisterous and and forceful farts. I however do not mind seeing as how my son already talks about that all the time. I enjoyed this series much more than I thought. The earlier books are much better than the later books in the series, but they are clever, funny, and entertaining nonetheless. The plots are complex and feature a wonderfully, evil smart ("smart" may be an understatement) young man as the main character. You will soon fall in love with Artemis, Holly, and Butler and the shenanigans they get into.

Do You like book Disney Artemis Fowl Collection: Artemis Fowl, The Lost Colony, The Eternity Code, The Arctic Incident, The Opal Deception, The Time Paradox, The Atlantis Complex (2000)?

Great series, Mr. Colfer delivered and exciting and fresh tale with great excitement in each book.

This was one of the best series I have ever read

Really enjoyed these as a child.


excellent books!

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