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Disease-Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well (2013)

Disease-Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well (2013)

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1594631247 (ISBN13: 9781594631245)
Hudson Street Press

About book Disease-Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well (2013)

In the first chapter," The Power to Nurture Nature," they ask the question, "Is it the hand we are dealt or how we play it that counts?" I tend to believe it is how we play the hand. Many people with chronic pain, my specialty as author and patient, have the power to give in or learn healthy ways for coping. When we talk about our health, verbs are always more empowering than nouns. Nouns help us identify goals and verbs give us the power to act on them. Even if we can't change a disease, we can change the way we react to it. "Most diseases are not random occurrences but the consequences of the things people do every day. They are the intermediate step between lifestyle habits and infirmity or death." I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in what they can do to improve their health, because in the end, that is all we really have. I ordered this book for our academic library, and looked forward to being inspired by its contents. But 280 pages later, the 'news' about maintaining a healthy lifestyle is really not news - good nutrition, exercise, rest, stress management, and social connections remain the essential ingredients, with this just one more book to encourage us to behave. There are multiple chapters on the "how to" of fitting in exercise and healthy eating that some may find helpful.

Do You like book Disease-Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well (2013)?

Plenty of evidence which informs on what balance you need for optimal health.

Nothing new here, just clear, simple rules for staying healthy.

This book repeated a lot. After three chapters it was awful.

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