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Discardia (2011)

Discardia (2011)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 2
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0983998027 (ISBN13: 9780983998020)
Dinah Sanders

About book Discardia (2011)

This book is a hodge podge of tips for downsizing and reducing material possessions and advice on myriad aspects of living. The topics change direction abruptly, like the ball in a pinball machine ricocheting off bumpers. The comcept behind the organization of this information totally eluded me. Although she uses the "Discardian" calendar to head various sections of the book, the content of those sections seems totally random. Still, I did jot down several quotes and tidbits for future reference. While I started out enjoying the author's breezy style of writing, the advice began to feel overbearing. The author kind of comes off as a smug know-it-all. Written by a smarty-pants friend of mine, this book is helpful, motivating, chummy, and wise. (I was proud to be one of the proofreaders/beta readers, before I got too sick to read for awhile there...)Most Americans I know of could stand to read this book and put its concepts to work for themselves.I found it smarter, more helpful, and less bullshit-complicated than books like 'Getting Things Done.' Everybody needs this kind of help, not just hoarders and the organization-handicapped. I'm pretty damn organized and efficient, but I found lots of helpful tips and motivators here. We need to let go of some of our crap periodically to keep our baggage light.Helpfully, the author knows when you need a kick in the ass and when you need a gentle pep talk, and she provides them for you. She understands how you can get mired in procrastination and indecision. If you can't hire to author to whip your frazzled ass into shape, her book is the next best thing.

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I didn't actually finish this book.

a good re-read this time of year.

Didn't finish.


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