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Disarmed: The Story Of The Venus De Milo (2004)

Disarmed: The Story of the Venus de Milo (2004)

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3.57 of 5 Votes: 1
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1400031338 (ISBN13: 9781400031337)

About book Disarmed: The Story Of The Venus De Milo (2004)

Learning the back story about the Venus de Milo was interesting especially as the statue itself has, like the Mona Lisa, become such a popular image that we rarely stop to think about it as an individual work of art. I liked Curtis's easy to read explanation of the discovery of the work, the many art historical debates over the work and it's current role in 20th C. art and popular culture. While the story never really came to life, Curtis provides clear explanations of the position of Greek and Roman statues when they were made, Europe's obsession with Greek art and culture during the 18th and 19th C., the role of archeology in national pride and the way improved art historical scholarship brought to light concrete facts about the Venus de Milo. Overall a decent read but not something I would widely recommend.

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