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Digger, Dozer, Dumper (2013)

Digger, Dozer, Dumper (2013)

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0763650781 (ISBN13: 9780763650780)
Candlewick Press

About book Digger, Dozer, Dumper (2013)

Poems about the different types of big machines of which children are fascinated. I love the question at the end "Which truck would you like to be?" I'm going to ask kids to answer that question and support their answer with evidence from the text (I want to be a backhoe because he can do more than one job.) It might also be worth asking "Which truck do you think you are most like?" Could make for some fun dicussions. Instead of asking “Which truck do you like best?” Digger, Dozer, Dumper by Hope Vestergaard changes that question to “Which truck would you like to be?” The author uses the pronouns “he” and “she” instead of “it”, and the illustrator adds a subtle face to each of the trucks. The poems treat each vehicle like a living creature with specific personalities and preferences and passions. The garbage truck “adores” the sights and smells and sounds of his work. The ambulance “ferries folks to hospitals / with tender loving care.” The dump truck precisely drops its load where it belongs, and the excavator is a smooth operator. This is a great choice for boys who might think that poetry is too sissy. (from my blog at

Do You like book Digger, Dozer, Dumper (2013)?

A slightly poetic ode to construction vehicles. Great for reading aloud.

Love reading this aloud with my 2 year old. A new favorite for all...

Beehive Nominee book for 2015

Super cute!

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