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Dig, Dogs, Dig: A Construction Tail (2013)

Dig, Dogs, Dig: A Construction Tail (2013)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 1
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0062189646 (ISBN13: 9780062189646)

About book Dig, Dogs, Dig: A Construction Tail (2013)

Our grandchildren ages 2-6 both boys and girls, all love this book. I think it is because James Horvath's illustrations are delightful and tell "more of the story." The story is told in fun and quick paced rhyme. It is a basic construction tale, but those are the ones my two year old loves best. With this one he laughs and laughs and points out the funny slippers, and the odd places the dogs are sleeping, and giggles over how they stretch in the morning and says "not safe" about the dog standing on the chair to get his pancake. He also knows all the dogs names. This is interesting because the names are not used in the story, they are only shown under the pictures inside the cover. He made me go back to the pictures on each page to identify all the dogs until he knew them by name. There is only one girl dog, she is pink, and her name is Roxy. He noticed that she was not on the page where all the dogs are waking up and wondered where she was. I told him she was a girl so she was sleeping in the girls dorm. After that he looked for Roxy and is sad she is not on all the pages. Of course he also has to find the playful cat Jinx on every page. We purchased this book in April and have read it over 100 times at this point. Since the kids only visit here, that means we often read it more than once in a visit. My kids definitely liked this book a little more than me, but in saying that it is still a great read with lots of details in the pictures and an easy read. Basically it's a book about a team of construction dogs that build a park. It is written in rhyme, but this is where for the me the book let itself down slightly, on some pages the rhymes just didn't flow and were a little hard to get into the rhythm of them, but as I said the kids loved it anyway. The pictures and the story though are great and has been requested multiple times. Each page has so much details the kids can take ten minutes a page just looking at everything, is great for playing seek and find, "where is the red and white truck", "how many spades can you count" etc. So you can get a lot more out of this book than just a straight story. Plus it has a lot of construction detail, such as the different types of machines used, and what they all do on the site. in addition to this on most pages there is a little black kitty to find, plus a lot of silly things going on in the background.

Do You like book Dig, Dogs, Dig: A Construction Tail (2013)?

This would be a perfect book for preschool storytime with a construction theme.

reminded me of go, dog, gorhyming textpreschool storytime: construction theme

Copy received for reviewCute, but not quite as good as I wanted it to be.


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