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Differential Equations With Boundary-Value Problems (2008)

Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems (2008)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 5
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0495108367 (ISBN13: 9780495108368)
thomson brooks/cole

About book Differential Equations With Boundary-Value Problems (2008)

The book is clear and concise. Great examples, and nice problems. Although once the author goes over some material, in later chapters, he assumes you know it and doesn't go over the same steps again. Some people might find this a problem...but it really isn't if you proceed from one chapter to the next and don't skip around.Also..I found more stuff in this book than in others. Fourier series are also treated, which some books leave out. In summary, a good book for those who are taking a class...or self study. Goes over material thoroughly. My lectures were horrible, and I did great in the class simply because this book did such a good job of explaining.


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