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Die Braut Des Satyrs (2010)

Die Braut Des Satyrs (2010)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 2
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3426506971 (ISBN13: 9783426506974)
München Knaur-Taschenbuch

About book Die Braut Des Satyrs (2010)

Okay so what's with this lady and incest? It's in every book, every side character is in love with a stepbrother/sister, an aunt, a sister. I mean like really? come on!But I will commend Amber for actually gifting this book with a thorough plot. Incidents like turning into stone or wood were explained, babies were conceived, the villain's motives were demonstrated in a concise manner and a previous marriage licence showed why the heroine was reluctant to wed.All in all 2.5 stars, because she actually went somewhere with the plot this time. If you are looking for hot and steamy paranormal romance, look no further...WHAT I LIKED:Amber has a great way of making the ordinary extraordinary. She spins tales that have a great potential to be complex and alluring outside of the sexy stuff. Her books hold a lot of potential in terms of being able to create suspense and an exploration of different ideals and types of people. You can actually read all of these books independently, there's no fear of missing anything in any of the books.WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE:You can actually read all of the books independently. I think Amber has potential to write more than a romance novel with hot scenes, her series would have much more depth if she chose to connect each individual book and expand on character past their individual book. I need more depth, I like to feel connected to characters, as it is conflicts are resolved before you even get a chance to feel anything towards them.WOULD I RECOMMEND?Yes, because overall the newness of the story lines are definitely enjoyable.

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