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Desideri E Pregiudizi (2012)

Desideri e pregiudizi (2012)

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Harmony Mondadori

About book Desideri E Pregiudizi (2012)

Good book. I really like the Wilde family. I love the way they are so close and help each other when needed. They are scandalous without being too bad to be accepted. I love the way that Ash's sister Katherine has decided to help each of them find their true love. Ash doesn't think it's possible for Katherine to pick the perfect one for him, but when he comes to Maura's aid at the ball, he is intrigued by her. Maura doesn't want his help, doesn't think she needs to be "rescued". She is very independent, and has been for years, especially since the death of her father. When Maura steals back her horse, Ash is there to lend a hand, and eventually she has to admit he has been a help. He talks her into a fake engagement to protect her reputation and to help prove the viscount's wrongdoing. During that time, Maura begins to develop feelings she didn't want, and is sure that Ash does not feel the same way. She is also sure that she is not a suitable bride for him anyway. Ash was attracted to Maura from the beginning, but found that those feelings were supplemented by feelings of protectiveness and tenderness that he wasn't sure what to do about. When the horse was rescued, and the bad guy vanquished, Maura told Ash goodbye and went back to her horse farm. I loved the way that Katherine had to straighten him out, but I also loved the way that Ash gave Maura time to herself before he went after her. A very satisfying read, and I'm looking forward to the others. Reasonably well written, but I couldn't finish it because he disrespects and undermines all her decisions and the author seems to think this is fine. Can I just say how much I hate that trope where the heroine is "feisty" (I HATE THAT WORD SO MUCH) and "willful" and we're all supposed to be like, "oh, yay, a strong female lead!" but all of her decisions are stupid and get her and others into trouble, and the guy who is busy never listening to her say "no" saves them all with his practical thinking? Because I HATE THAT SHIT.

Do You like book Desideri E Pregiudizi (2012)?

Terrible. I couldn't get passed the 2nd chapter before I decided I didn't want to read anymore.

I cannot wait for the rest of the Wilde's this book!!!!

Miss Jordan has a new fan! Looking forward to book 2! ^_^


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