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Defiant Angel (1991)

Defiant Angel (1991)

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0380764490 (ISBN13: 9780380764495)
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About book Defiant Angel (1991)

I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE THIS BOOK, I have reread this book so many times that it gets better each time like fine wine and the sad part is I cross my fingers till this day hoping there would be a couple more books about the brothers how pathatic of me. I have search high and low for more books from this author and its like she left us with this well written story and just vanish off the face off the planet. Still after so many years I DEMAND more books about the brothers, or could it be this author uses a different name that she writes under guess i'll never know...IF YOU LOVEEEE THIS BOOK also read Whitney, My Love by Judith Mcnaught...(:D) read the reviews on the book Feel free to join my book group on Facebook (Romance Novel Junkies) and fan page ( Romance Novel Junkies Book Reviews). We have over 500 members, which includes well known and indie authors and avid readers as members who are apart of this group. We would love to hear about new books and thoughts. Also check out our kindle and ebook lending library. Twitter @romanceJUNKIES

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