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Deep Fire Rising (2003)

Deep Fire Rising (2003)

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0451411188 (ISBN13: 9780451411181)

About book Deep Fire Rising (2003)

I really like the collaborations Jack du Brul does with Clive Cussler and that is what led me to read his own work..... and I have not been disappointed at all. I think the character of Mercer is great and nice that he's not a retired agent or Archeologist but a plain old Geologist a subject that you learn bits about as you read through the series of books , this one takes us baround the world from Canada to Area 51, the middle of the Pacific, Santorini, Tibet and ending up in a volcano in the Canaries. I only have one more to read in the series but do hope Jack will return to the Mercer books one day and continue he saga.

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