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Deep Drive: A Long Journey To Finding The Champion Within (2008)

Deep Drive: A Long Journey to Finding the Champion Within (2008)

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3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
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0451225554 (ISBN13: 9780451225559)
Celebra Hardcover

About book Deep Drive: A Long Journey To Finding The Champion Within (2008)

I really like this book because it dosent just talk about the good things about being in the MLB but it also talks about the bad things and how they stuggle.I noticed how the author was not hiding anything about his life. He was comfortable with talking about how his family stuggeled and how he struggeled with cancer.I rate this book four stars because it is exciting and interesting but i would like to hear more about being in the MLB and how he handeled the pressure and more about the game. Reading this book it made me feel sad and sorry for Mike Lowell because the media was basicly ruining his baseball life. I've always heard that Mike Lowell was a 'down to earth' guy and after reading this book, I can believe it. He doesn't come across as full of himself like so many sports stars. Many interesting tibits of info on teammates and others make it a great read. My favorite story is when he and another teammate did not make the varisity baseball team at his Catholic high school. They both switched to public high schools [different ones] so they could play on varisity. The teammate was Alex Rodriguez! Boy, was that coach wrong and I'm sure he still regrets his decision!

Do You like book Deep Drive: A Long Journey To Finding The Champion Within (2008)?

Love this book..I learned alot about what Mike had to go through to get to the Major League!

best baseball book in the world i swear i have never read something that is so humbling!

One of the Red Sox key players to the 2009 World Series!

We have the Spanish version.

He's such a class act.

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