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Debunking 9/11 Myths (2006)

Debunking 9/11 myths (2006)

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158816635X (ISBN13: 9781588166357)

About book Debunking 9/11 Myths (2006)

It started with magazine articles and a couple books but found its growth on the internet. On various web sites, newsgroups and forums, people raised questions and looked for answers to issues they felt were left unaddressed. More books and video exploring the same territory began appearing. It has now mushroomed to the point where it not only has a name, some of its conferences get airtime on C-SPAN. It calls itself the "9/11 Truth Movement," a largely grassroots effort questioning what Americans have been told and believe about what occurred on September 11, 2001.[return][return]As I am not one to reject ideas out of hand without some thought and consideration, I decided to try a rational exploration of the issue recently. I picked up 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions, a generally highly regarded book dealing with the various streams of thought of those who have serious questions about what really happened on September 11, 2001. I also picked up Debunking 9/11 Myths, the paperback publication of a project by Popular Science magazine exploring some of the 9/11 conspiracy claims.[return][return]The bottom line? While the Truth Movement raises some questions and coincidences that appear interesting on the surface, its case is held together by a glue made up more of distrust of government and a willingness to make leaps between apparently unconnected events than science and facts.[return][return]Balance of review at

Not too long, pretty easy read going through most of the 9/11 "truthers" claims and systematically debunking them. The book manages to be pretty thorough without getting too technical. They do a good job of showing they conspiracy theorists claims and pretty much showing why the claim is utter bunk. They also do a good job of showing the history of the case.A big thing that might turn some people off is the fact that they don't pull their punches when showing how nutty a lot of the conspiracy sources are. Personally I like that they show how far removed from reality most of these people are. If you are sympathetic to the conspiracy side this might offend you, but honestly I don't care. If you buy into this crap most likely no amount of facts are going to sway you as any fact or information can be explained away as "part of the conspiracy." This book isn't for them, this book is for people who want to actually understand what happened and really know why so many nutty theory's are in fact just that.

Do You like book Debunking 9/11 Myths (2006)?

I was going through a phase where I was obsessing over 9/11 because of movie I saw, and one of my close friends is a believer in conspiracy theories. It wasn't until I was arguing against her that I realized that most of what I believed (just like most of what she believed) was based on hearsay. So, I decided to do my own research, that way, I'd know what I really believe, and have evidence to believe it. So, I bought this book for the non-conspiracy side, and watched lots of conspiracy support documentaries for the other side. This book has thoroughly convinced me that conspiracy theorists are wrong, even more than I was already convinced. "Popular Mechanics" used common language to explain the complicated engineering and scientific arguments included in the book. I didn't feel like I was missing anything. Also, the pictures and the book's arrangement was very helpful for understanding. The only downside? Now I'm obsessed with conspiracy theories in general. Titanic/Olympic switch anyone?
—Bethany Kimble

If you plan on reading this book to dispel any doubt about any conspiracies regarding 9/11, don't bother. While explaining certain scenarios with some good detail, you almost want to believe every "fact" about all 4 planes that day. While there is little doubt that 2 planes went into the Twin Towers, I wasn't moved or swayed by the explanations of Flight 93, or the mystery surrounding the Pentagon. I was looking for more concrete evidence on things other than "that guy said he saw that". It felt empty.

This was a very easy read, logically laid out. The authors began each section with an outline of the myth, then went about spelling out the truth scientifically. What lends credibility to their arguments is that they were not afraid to say "we don't know entirely" when the data was inconclusive, such as the fall of tower 7. Generally, they come up with sensible, well-documented rebuttals to most if not all of the various 9/11 myths. With the information available in this Popular Mechanics book, the excellent Nova special on the architectural aspects of the fall of the towers, and simply watching the minute by minute live news footage of 9/11 available on the web, it's hard to believe people can still buy into wild conspiracy theories. This book is not exhaustive by any means, but it is an excellent primer into the theories that are out there and the actual scientific truth that explains the events of that horrible day.

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