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Death In The Clouds (2015)

Death in the Clouds (2015)

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000711933X (ISBN13: 9780007119332)

About book Death In The Clouds (2015)

Death in the Air (aka Death in the Clouds) is another fine Agatha Christie outing. In this one, the murder takes place right under Hercule Poirot's airsick nose. Yes, fortunately for the killer, Poirot's famous little grey cells were sleeping their way across the Channel in order that he might not be aware of his discomfort--fortunately for a little while, that is. Because, of course, once Poirot is awake and realizes that a crime has been committed he's on the trail of the murderer.The victim in this case is one Madame Giselle, a money-lender to the upper-class who uses a bit of judicious blackmail as security on her loans. She is found dead in her seat just prior to landing from what appears at first to be a wasp sting but soon proves to be from a dart tainted with an obscure snake venom. A blowpipe is found stuffed down behind Poirot's seat--of all places! There are a few of Poirot's fellow passenger's who may fit the profile of Madame Giselle's clients, but it seems impossible that any of them could have used a blowpipe to kill her within the small confines of the plane.It doesn't take long for Poirot to spot the essential clues--objects that were listed in the tally of each passenger's belongings. But he is puzzled because the objects he expected are found on the wrong person. He will make several trips to France and interview all of the passengers and the stewards before the final pieces fall in place.It had been quite some time since my first reading of this particular Christie novel (a good 20 years, I'd say). If I hadn't watched the production with David Suchet earlier this year (for the Book to Movie Challenge), I wouldn't have spotted the killer in this reading. I believe I was distracted by the same darn red herring in my first reading and during the watched episode. That's the beauty of Christie for me--if I go long enough between rereads it's quite possible for her to pull the wool over my eyes repeatedly.I thoroughly enjoyed both the Suchet production and this reread. It's always a treat to watch David Suchet play the quintessential Poirot. And I also enjoy Philip Jackson as Inspector Japp. One thing I did notice between the show and the book--Christie's novels have taken a lot of flack for some of her racial representations and stereotypes. This time the production is a bigger culprit than Christie's original work. The production has Inspector Japp working closely with his French counterpart--in France (the only contact in the book is in England)--and Japp treats him pretty shabbily, just because he's a "Frenchy." The scenes in the novel show a much more collegial and respectful collaboration. I'm wondering if the writers/producer decided to emphasize Japp's supposed mistrust of French investigations and investigations as a replacement for the few racial comments made by other characters in the book.Overall, a fine performance in both print and onscreen. Four stars. First posted on my blog My Reader's Block. Please request permission before reposting. Thanks.

مضى الكثير على آخر مرة قرأت فيها رواية لها، وفي الواقع كان سبب ذلك هو أنني لم أعد أجد الروايات التي تترجمها دار النشر التي اعتدت على قراءة سلسلتهم “دار الأجيال” . أما دور النشر الأخرى فترجمتها ركيكة نوعاً ما، ولا أحب أن أجد مصطلحات أو جمل مرتبطة حرفياً بالترجمة الأنجليزية.عموماً وجدت في الرواية لمسة مختلفة، فبالرغم من أن حادثة القتل حدثت بشكل بارد غير مثير، إلا أن أجاثا لم تكن لتخيب أملي في وصفها العميق للجو والشخصيات. خاصة الحالات النفسية والتي تحب أن تركز عليها في رواياتها عادة، ربما لهذا السبب أحببت رواياتها كثيراً المتعلقة نوعاً ما بعلم النفس الذي أعشقه.تدور أحداث الرواية في طائرة عائدة من لوبنييه إلى إنجلترا، تحمل عدداً من الركاب، من بينهم الشخصية المشهورة مدام جيزيل العجوز، التي ستقتل وبكل هدوء دون شعور أحدهم. لكن لسوء حظ القاتل كان المحقق هيركيول بوارو موجوداً! والأدهى في الأمر أن سلاح الجريمة – الذي لم يتعدى كونه أنبوب نفخ – تم العثور عليه تحت مقعد بوارو، الذي سيجد نفسه متهماً في جريمة لم يقترفها.حسناً علي التصريح بأنني عنصرية من ناحية ما، فدائماً ما أفضل الروايات التي يحقق فيها بوارو على الروايات الأخرى، والتي غالباً ماتكون فيها الآنسة ماربل هي المحققة.

Do You like book Death In The Clouds (2015)?

This is a very good Agatha Christie mystery, not that there is a bad Agatha Christie mystery. I love her writing style. I always feel like the criminal is right at my fingertips and I love my frustrated bumblings at trying to solve the crime! In this novel, the crime is stunning. The method is interesting and engaging; I had never read about a crime committed in the same way. I love the setting; an airplane with Hercule Poirot (undoubtedly one of literature's greatest detectives) sitting mere feet away from the victim. I have always loved Poirot as a character ever since my grandmother first introduced me to him through some of the Christie mystery movies that were playing on Masterpiece Mystery a few years back. Due to my love of those movies, I decided to start reading Christie mysteries and haven't looked back since! Poirot shined in this story, both as a human character through his flaws and quirks and as a detective through his brilliant deductions through apparently insignificant things. I think that the suspects (the plane's passengers) were not as marvelous as the suspect lists in some other Christie novels. This being said, the love triangle that develops throughout the course of the story is fun to watch despite being a little predictable. I think that Poirot's interest in the private affairs of his suspects and (some of their) well beings is sweet and charming. Although it is not a history-making story, this book is a very enjoyable read and I would definitely recommend it to other mystery readers!

Depois de ter lido os fantásticos antecessores romances policiais de Agatha, como "Morte no Nilo" e "Crime no Expresso no Oriente", seria muito difícil que "Morte nas Nuvens" conseguisse superar o elevado nível de qualidade a que já estava habituado, como tal baixei as minhas expectativas para que não fosse surpreendido pela negativa... Como tal, noto dois aspectos, Agatha Christie surpreende o leitor de todas as maneiras possíveis, com um enredo carismático e surpreendente até ao último momento, levando a nossa mente a percorrer todos os trilhos possíveis para resolver os mistérios, convencidos que estamos certos, e no entanto, ao acabarmos a leitura, percebermos que não podíamos estar mais longe da verdade! Penso assim, que neste paragrafo resumo a minha critica a "Morte nas Nuvens", outro belo livro policial, que encarna como detective principal, o mítico e intemporal Hercule Poirot; que mostra mais uma vez o génio de Agatha Christie. O outro aspecto a ter em conta é o facto: se o livro foi tão bom para mim, o porque de uma avaliação tão pequena, comparando-a com os seus antecessores?! Tal devesse a que neste livro, achei que o clímax do livro, a descoberta do assassino, ter sido um bocado forçado, levando-me a pensar que neste episodio a autora não mostrou todas as cartas, como costuma fazer, parecendo que manipulou assim o leitor. Ou seja, enquanto noutras histórias todos os pequenos detalhes estarem presentes de forma incontestável, nesta pareceu-me que houve uma falta deles. Refiro isto, não porque de maneira alguma diminua a qualidade do livro, mas porque de estar tão habituado aquela maneira específica que Agatha apresenta os factos, pareceu-me assim estranho o desenrolar do livro. Apesar de tudo é um livro que recomendo para ler, pela estimulação da mente e porque foram sobretudo umas horas de leitura agradáveis! João Filipe
—João Filipe

Duh, yang saya baca itu sebenerna yang terbitan tahun 90-an, yang sampulna ilustrasi cewek dan lebah gitu!Ini novel misteri pertama yang saya baca *ngaku* *jujur* *ga pake malu*Soalna selama ini genre misteri bukan "cangkir teh" saya. Bahkan posisina berada di bawah teenlit, dan setara horor.Awalna, saya maen ke kosan temen dan saya lupa bawa buku waktu itu. Jadilah saya ngobrak-ngabrik rak buku kosanna dan HANYA nemuin novel Agatha Christie (KHUSUS Poirot, karena temen saya itu penggemar Pak Poirot) dan beberapa novel roman. Berhubung saya maleeeeeeeeeees banget baca cecintaan, jadi saya t-e-r-p-a-k-s-a ngambil Agatha Christie, yang saya ambil judulna "Pembunuhan di Teluk Pixy" (Evil Under the Sun).Ternyata seru.Oke.Saya berhasil menyelesaikanna dalam sehari.Ketagihan.Bawa pulang sebiji lagi.Yang "Maut di Udara" karena dipilihin yang ini sama temen saya itu.Keren. Saya selesai dua hari.:v :v :v*penting*
—duniamimpigie duniamimpigie

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